The PRCA Southeast Asia’s mission is to provide support and advice to members working through the COVID-19 outbreak.
We recommend members regularly review the Singapore Government advice, the Ministry of Health advice and the Ministry of Manpower advice for employers, employees and businesses. Further advice and resources for PR professionals can be found below.
Latest News
Confidence Tracker: PR industry continues to build confidence (14May)
PRCA launches new initiative for members (11 May)
PRCA Launches COVID-19 Creativity Toolkit (30 April)
PR pros benefit from free COVID-19 Taskforce advice (29 April)
PRCA Confidence Tracker: International PR Community Positive In Face of COVID-19 (27th April)
PRCA COVID-19 Taskforce launches support service for communications leaders (9th April)
PRCA SEA offers free membership to professionals affected by COVID-19 (8th April)
Industry Research: COVID-19 Significantly Impacts PR Industry in SEA (6th April)
PRCA U.K and CIPR issue joint industry statement on COVID-19 (23 March)
PRCA announces shift to virtual training model (17 March)
PRCA to Launch Covid-19 Taskforce to Support PR Industry (16 March)
Global COVID-19 Communications Taskforce
The PRCA’s Global COVID-19 Communications Taskforce was launched in March 2020 to provide practical support to public relations professionals during the COVID-19 outbreak. Chaired by Lansons Chief Executive and Cofounder Tony Langham, it aims to provide support to colleagues in organisations and consultancies across the world. Find out more.
PRCA COVID-19 ‘Creativity Survival Kit’
The new ‘COVID-19 Creativity Survival Kit’ is designed to enable practitioners to think differently, to be more creative to face their immense challenges during the lockdown and beyond. Each week a new tool is being launched to provide new insights, inspirations and ideas. The Survival Kit is designed to cover four key dimensions to stimulate new response covering:
– Responding to pandemic – how to reveal your authentic quality and finding ways to show it
– Exploring new ways of doing using the disruption to reflect on new services and ways of delivery
– Preparing for post-lockdown of a ‘new normal’.
– How to hit the ground running to seize early initiatives.
The toolkit was co-produced with leading creativity expert Andy Green, the author of ‘Creativity in Public Relations’.
Download your week 1 COVID-19 Creativity Survival Kit tool here. #PRCACovidCreativity.
Download your week 2 COVID-19 Creativity Survival Kit tool here. #PRCACovidCreativity
If you have any questions, please contact Andy Green at
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the PR industry
We’ve published research revealing the impact of the outbreak on the PR industry. The survey gathered the views of senior PR professionals in Southeast Asia. The findings reveal:
- 44% believed the industry was unprepared for the outbreak.
- Remote working policies (96%) and event cancellations (84%) were the most common responses to the crisis taken by organisations.
- 88% of believed their organisations have made good progress on their communications plans as a result of COVID-19.
- 2% of organisations have not taken any precautions whatsoever as a result of the outbreak.
COVID-19 Monitor – APAC | MENAP | India Briefing Webinar
YouGov has been carefully tracking consumer sentiment and behavior in response to COVID-19. As part of YouGov’s commitment to the public good, we are sharing our tracking data with public health organizations, government bodies and academics to empower them with information to help them make a difference in tackling the spread of COVID-19.
On 9th April, YouGov held a webinar to share some key insights from our initial research and were joined by Sarah P Jones, a research fellow at Imperial College London, providing the latest scientific view of the state of the world. Receive a copy of the recording here.
Understanding economic recovery & consumer behaviour during COVID-19 webinar. Receive a copy of the recording here.
Mental health tookit
We are accutely aware of the increasing pressures facing public relations professionals as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. It is vital that PR professionals take the neccessary measures to protect their mental wellbeing during this period. Line managers should proactively check in on the wellbeing of their colleagues. PR practitioners should make use of the PRCA’s Mental Health Toolkit, which includes a counselling hotline during this period.