Date(s) - 15/10/2020
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Location: Online

Format: This training will be carried out online but in a virtual face-to-face setting. Attendees must have laptop their laptop camera and microphone on during the session.


Do you find yourself blending a little too well into the background when you are in a client meeting, or battling to be heard or included in a team meeting, or are constantly explaining yourself after you thought you already had?
Then this is for you.
It’s also for you if you cannot stop yourself from joining any conversation and making a ‘contribution’, (even the one by the water machine- be honest) or re-explaining the point your colleague made so eloquently just seconds ago?

We are talking personal impact. Come and find, then finesse yours.

Event Overview

How will delegates benefit
You will get to grips with the way your behaviour impacts: meetings, groups, and social gatherings. You will have the opportunity to find, then finesse your personal impact in a way that is comfortable for you.

Who should attend?
Anyone who is interested in being more aware of their behaviour in group settings.

What the workshop will cover

It will interactive so be ready to join in. Using, role play, games, music and lots of fun,

  • First impressions
  • Recognising group energy
  • Role play (find impact)
  • Games (find impact)
  • Music (finesse impact)
  • Reviewing your personal impact

What materials will attendees receive?
Virtual aids and exercises

What should attendees bring along?
Paper, pen a willingness to look slightly silly

Level: Personal Skills

Spaces available: 4

Trainer: Barbara Phillips MPRCA

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Bookings are closed for this event.